Profile Builder


Profile Builder

Biological Parents, Foster child, family finding

Please fill out the Profile Builder, our proprietary process for organizing and analyzing the data provided by foster care agencies and the court. Our specialists will go over the information to ensure accuracy and to determine if additional data is required before a targeted search of a specific city in Latin America can be started.

SECTION 1: Your Own Information
*denotes required fields

First and Last Name*

Agency/Organization Name*




Zip (5 digits)*

Email Address*

Phone Number (10 numeric digits)*

Best Time to Call You (include time zone)

Supervisor's Name*

Supervisor's Phone Number (10 numeric digits)*

Before You Proceed

In the next sections, you will be filling in information about the family members you want to find in Latin America.

If you follow the form, you will most likely have listed all the pertinent information when you finish. If you feel we have overlooked an important piece of information, email us and let us know. Your comments are important to us.

SECTION 2: Identify primary relative

In virtually every family finding search, there is a principal relative that is being sought: a biological parent, grandparent, or another adult family member. Check the appropriate description of the primary relative you want to find.

Grand parent  
Other relative

Other relative name * (if Other relative selected)

SECTION 3: Information on primary relative

The information you provide below will be used to assess the information provided and to perform the family finding. This person must be living outside the U.S.

In Part 4, you will have a chance to list other family members. Below are tips to help you understand the information you need to provide.

What is a Complete Name?

The complete name of a person from Mexico includes their first name(s) and two last names. A complete name could look like the following:

  •    •  Agustin Gonzalez Hernandez

  •    •  Juan Carlos Hernandez Gomez

Here's the breakdown of a person's name:

  •    •  Agustin (first name)
  •    •  Gonzalez (First last name - belongs to the person's father)
  •    •  Hernandez (Second last name - belongs to the person's mother, also called a maiden name)

Some people in Mexico have two first names. Here is a breakdown for the name Juan Carlos Hernandez Gomez:

  •    •  Juan Carlos (first names)
  •    •  Hernandez (Father's last name)
  •    •  Gomez (Mother's last name/maiden name)

Note: If a family member has two first names such as Juan Carlos or Maria Elena, be sure to list both names.

Do not enter nicknames such as Paco or Lalo in this section.

Now enter just the primary relative's name below. DO NOT enter a relative living in the U.S.

First name(s)/Nombres (ex: Alberto, Maria, Juan Carlos)

Relative's first last name (Apellido paterno) (ex: Garcia, Martinez, Perez)

Relative's second last name (Apellido materno) (ex: Vega, Hernandez, Fuentes)

Check if you are uncertain about the spelling of a name entered above

Relative's date of birth or age now is:

Information on this relative's location

Country* where he/she is/was living

State (Departamento) where he/she is/was living

City (Municipalidad) where he/she is/was living

Any other city details where he/she is/was living

If you believe this relative could be living in another city in the same state:

2nd city (Municipalidad) where he/she may possibly be living

SECTION 4: Other adult family members

In this section you can list information on up to three additional adult relatives if they are living in the same state (Departamento). Provide complete names if possible. Do not list relatives living in the U.S.

If you have any legal documents such as a birth certificate, leave a comment in Section 6 and email us the documents. We will review them for any additional information.

Relative #1 (Complete name)

Relationship to foster child (Ex: paternal grandfather, maternal aunt)

City where Relative #1 lives/lived

Date of birth

Relative #2 (Complete name)

Relationship to foster child (Ex: paternal grandmother, maternal uncle)

City where Relative #2 lives/lived

Date of birth

Relative #3 (Complete name)

Relationship to foster child (Ex: brother, maternal grandmother)

City where Relative #3 lives/lived

Date of birth

SECTION 5: Foster Child’s information

This section will be added shortly.

SECTION 6: Additional information

This is where you can tell us more about the family member you want to find as well as provide additional information that will be helpful.

Helpful information to send us

  • Email us any documents, cards, letters, etc. from or about these relatives. Documents include birth certificates, church documents, and marriage licenses (even from the U.S.).
    Our email is

    No document should be excluded. Some searches have been successful because our specialists found information in documents that was overlooked by case workers. Extended family members have been found because of a return address on an envelope or because of an old address for their relative in Mexico.

Information that is generally not helpful

You may be thinking "more is more" but the adage is true... "Less is more." Here is information that may appear helpful, but generally isn't:

  •    •  The family member's work history, activities and U.S. Social Security number while in the U.S.

  •    •  Physical descriptions (height, hair color, tattoos, etc.)

  •    •  Names of children living in the country under the age of 21.

If you have doubts or concerns about a piece of information, then send it.

Enter in your additional comments here. Let us know if you will be sending any documents.

Email us any documents, cards, letters, etc. from or about these relatives. Documents include birth certificates, church documents, and marriage licenses (even from the U.S.).
Our email is

CONGRATULATIONS! Just click the "Send Now" button, and our specialists will analyze and evaluate the information. You will be contacted if we have any questions about the information you are providing.

Be sure to click the "Send Now" button.



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